Ópalo. La piedra del mes de Octubre.

Opal. The stone of the month of October.

Discover the wonderful world of Opal: A rainbow on earth.

"It is a stone so delicate to look at, it inspires love and hope, innocence and purity, luck and happiness"

This month we will embark on a journey through the fascinating world of opal.

Opal has captivated mankind for centuries with its dazzling play of colours and magical appearance. It was considered by everyone in the ancient world to be the most charming and mysterious of gems. Its name comes from the Sanskrit “upala”, meaning “precious stone”. In ancient Rome, it was considered the symbol of hope and purity. The ancient Greeks believed that opal was a manifestation of the tears of happiness shed by Zeus when he defeated the Titans. Such a spectacular stone could only be a gift from the gods!

Opal is a wonder of nature that is formed from the combination of silica and water in rock cracks. Australia is known to be the main source of opals, accounting for 95% of the world's production. However, it is also found in places like Mexico, Brazil and Ethiopia. Each region brings its own unique touch of colors and shades, making each opal a truly special piece.


Ready to dive into the magical properties of opal? Here we go! Opal is known for its ability to reflect a wide range of colors, a phenomenon called “play of color.” This play can include shades of blue, green, yellow, pink, and even violet.

In the metaphysical world, Opal acts as a prism within the aura, bringing a full spectrum of light energy into the system, calming and cleansing the emotional body, and increasing the will to live and the joy of earthly existence. It ignites optimism, enthusiasm, and creativity, and allows for the release of inhibitions inspiring love and passion. Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and stimulates flashes of intuition and insight, but is a protective stone for deep inner work, meditations, and shamanic journeys into the lower world.

Opal is best known for its ability to bring one's traits and characteristics to the surface for examination and transformation. Just as opal absorbs and reflects light, it collects buried thoughts and feelings, desires and emotions, amplifying them and returning them to the source. While magnifying one's negative attributes can be uncomfortable, it provides insight into how destructive these emotions can be and aids the process of letting them go. Opal also illuminates the positive actions and emotions of the self, enhancing what is good and true, and encouraging one's highest potential. It is a karmic stone with a reminder that what one sends out will come back.

In short, opal is much more than just an exquisite gem; it is a link to ancient history and a reminder that what you give out eventually comes back to you. Whether you are looking to let go of negative emotions or ignite optimism or creativity, this gemstone has something for everyone.

We invite you to explore our fascinating collection of carefully selected opals. Each piece tells a unique story and connects you with the vibrations of the Earth and the cosmos. Don't wait any longer to add a touch of magic and color to your life with the sparkling opal!

See you next time!

Simmons, R., & Ahsian, N. (2015). The Book of Stones, Revised Edition: Who They Are and What They Teach . North Atlantic Books.

Hall, J. (2006). The Crystal Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Crystals - Characteristics of Over 200 Crystals . Gaia Books.

Alcaraz, JL (1996). Tikal Dictionary of Healing Stones . TIKAL.

Estrop, MEZ (2017). Mineralia Guide. The power of Minerals .

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