Peridoto. La piedra del mes de Agosto.

Peridot. The stone of the month for August.

An alien gem?

Peridots have been found in meteorites that crashed to Earth, making it one of the few gems that has been discovered in space.

The magnificent Peridot, with its dazzling yellow-green hue, has been underrated for years, passing unnoticed as a minor gem, small, easily obtained and relatively inexpensive, often regarded simply as the birthstone for August. However, a recent resurgence is revealing what peridot lovers have always known: this is a truly exceptional gem.
Dubbed "the ultimate gem" by the Gemological Institute of America, peridot is born of fire and born of light, one of only two gems (the other being diamond) that form not in the Earth's crust but in molten rock from the upper mantle, propelled to the surface by the tremendous forces of earthquakes and volcanoes. While some are born on Earth, other crystals of this gemstone have an extraterrestrial origin, found in rare pallasite meteorites (only 61 known to date) that formed some 4.5 billion years ago, at the dawn of our solar system. Peridot in its basic form, olivine, was also discovered in comet dust brought back by the robotic space probe Stardust in 2006, has been found on the Moon, and detected by the instrument on Mars aboard NASA's Global Surveyor. The ancients believed, with some accuracy, that it was ejected to Earth by the exploding sun and that it possessed healing powers.
With its olive hues, it is one of the few gems that comes in just one color. Its exquisite facet evokes the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, when the leaves transform from green to gold and hang like jewels in the sunlight. It is a crystal that radiates warmth and well-being, mentally stimulating and physically regenerating. It possesses the gift of inner radiance, sharpens the mind and opens new levels of consciousness and growth, helping to recognize and achieve spiritual destiny and purpose.
Associated with the sun, it has been prized since the earliest civilizations for its protective powers against dark forces. Set in gold and worn around the neck or on the left arm, it served as an amulet against witchcraft and magic, evil spirits, night terrors, and madness. In addition, it was believed to cure cowardice, calm anger, and enliven intelligence. It is still valued today for these virtues, protecting the aura, purifying the physical and subtle bodies, and alleviating emotional burdens, guilt, and obsessions. It is especially beneficial for overcoming fear, depression, and other psychological disorders, as well as releasing jealousy, resentment, and bitterness in order to move forward. It promotes responsibility and forgiveness, instills confidence in one's abilities, and restores a sense of self-worth. A powerful generator of high frequencies, this lovely talisman can be used to manifest abundance in all areas of life: wealth, health, happiness, and love.
It is the gem variety Olivine, an iron-magnesium silicate mineral of the forsterite-fayalite family, the amount of iron being responsible for its color. Although olivine is an abundant mineral, high-quality peridot is quite rare, especially in larger sizes. Its color can range from bright yellow-green, lime-green or pure green, to dark olive or brownish green, with dark olive green being the most valued. It mostly occurs as a clear, well-faceted gem. There is no known treatment to improve its color or clarity, so it is not subjected to heat treatments or other processes. However, there have been reports of unscrupulous producers using metallic coatings to increase its stability or to cover paler stones.
The birthstone for the month of August has been highly revered throughout history. In fact, many historians believe that Cleopatra's famous emeralds may have been peridots. It was also highly revered in medieval times, and shrines and holy sites were adorned with this beautiful green gem. The current term "Peridot" is derived from the Arabic word faridat, meaning "gem." Although it is mined in many parts of the world today, it remains the National Gem of Egypt.
It has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. This means that it is relatively resistant to scratches and abrasions, but can still be susceptible to damage if exposed to strong impacts or subjected to excessive stress.
It is found in various parts of the world, but the most important deposits are found in countries such as Myanmar (Burma), the United States, Egypt, China, Pakistan and Australia.
Peridot stands out as an extraordinary crystal for healing the emotional body and resolving matters of the heart. Its powerful influence cleanses and heals hurt feelings and "wounded egos," diminishing anger, jealousy, resentment and rancor, while teaching us the importance of letting go of attachment to people or the past, as this hinders our personal growth. It invites us to examine the past in search of lessons and gifts in lived experiences, to accept our mistakes and to free ourselves from guilt and remorse in order to move forward.
It exerts an uplifting psychological clarity and inspires a sense of happiness and satisfaction in life. It empowers us to separate our mind from external influences and have confidence in our own abilities, by looking within for guidance and accessing the wisdom of our higher mind. It encourages independence and assertion without aggression, allowing us to accept the world as it is and, from that acceptance, transform it with clear intention to create the reality we truly wish to experience.
In short, peridot is a fascinating gemstone that fuses beauty and unique properties. Its hardness and brilliance make it an ideal choice for use in jewelry, while its metaphysical qualities make it an amulet of good luck and protection. Whether worn as an ornament or a spiritual tool, peridot certainly adds a special touch to the lives of those who own it.

Astrological association: Virgo, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Simmons, R., & Ahsian, N. (2015). The Book of Stones, Revised Edition: Who They Are and What They Teach . North Atlantic Books.

Hall, J. (2006). The Crystal Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Crystals - Characteristics of Over 200 Crystals . Gaia Books.

Alcaraz, JL (1996). Tikal Dictionary of Healing Stones . TIKAL.

Estrop, MEZ (2017). Mineralia Guide. The power of Minerals .

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